A Poem, A Picture, and a Puzzle

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2023

This morning I found myself in a bit of a creative rut. I sat down to write this blog and simply was coming up empty. 

This is something clients complain to me about all the time. 

“Sometimes I’m so terrified of saying the wrong thing, that I can’t think of anything to say at all.”

To which I usually say, “Okay, let’s practice saying “the wrong thing” and see what happens!” 

It’s amazing what you can come up with when you lower the bar. When you sit down with the goal of writing a messy first draft as opposed to a Pulitzer prize winning novel.  

Or…when you change the prompt altogether.

Today, I was feeling uninspired by the prompt of writing a blog. 

So instead, I’m going to share with you a poem, a picture, and a puzzle

A Poem

 "Ode to a Zoom Meeting"

A baby cries. 

A dog barks. 

David, you’re on mute. 

Can someone put the link in the chat? 

A breakout room ends mid-joke. 

David, you’re still on mute. 

A man tries to leave a breakout room…

and leaves the meeting. 


(P.S. If you find yourself relating entirely too much to this poem, please book a strategy session with me ASAP. I lead corporate workshops on how to vanquish Zoom fatigue. 😉)


A Picture

This month I shot a few videos with the amazing team at Dam + West! I can’t say too much about it just yet, but stay tuned for some exciting updates very soon...

A Puzzle

And there you have it! I hope you've enjoyed this month's non-blog. Here's hoping you have a thoroughly nonconventional August!

Photograph of Sara Glancy on stairs
Headshot by Jessica Osber.

Sara Glancy is an NYC-based actor and public speaking coach and the founder of Speak Masterfully, a service that helps professionals take the stage with less fear and more fun! 

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