It's Too Damn Noisy in Here

Jul 14, 2021

How am I supposed to get through my presentation when everyone keeps talking? Try as I might, I can’t wrangle my thoughts and remember what’s on my next slide with this CONSTANT chatter. 


It feels like every third word, someone is interjecting:

  • “Sara, you tripped over that last sentence.”
  • “Sara, there was a better way to say that.”
  • “Sara, Gary looks bored.” 
  • “Sara, this isn’t how you practiced it at home.”
  • “Sara, this is a disaster. Just speed through and put everyone out of their misery.”

It is too damn loud in here. 

...Of course, by “in here,” I mean in my own head. 

That’s right. Today we are talking about that chatty inner-critic.

We all have one. Some are chattier than others, but one thing all inner-critics have in common is this: 

They are supremely unhelpful while you are presenting.  

Don’t get me wrong, there is a...

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