It's not Enough to be "Engaging"

Aug 11, 2020

I gotta level with you:

While it's important to learn how to be an engaging public speaker, being "engaging" isn't nearly enough to make you stand out from the crowd. 

Every day I meet speakers who are engaging and charismatic as all get out.

They have stage-presence, they know how to create vocal variety, they tell amusing stories that have beginnings, middles, and ends. 

But here’s the thing... 

While they may be engaging, they aren’t effective


Their audiences may go home amused or inspired, but they don’t take any sort of action


What does this look like?

  • The entrepreneur who walks away from a speaking engagement with a very inspired audience...but no new clients

  • The activist who leaves her audience thinking, “My God, that’s terrible! Something needs to be done!”...but they don’t do anything.

  • The academic who sets down the slide changer to their brilliant powerpoint...

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